3 Reasons to Get Your Kids Outdoors

15436946904_c60e443c8d_z“Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”  -John Muir

These days, kids are spending about half as much time outside as they did 20 years ago. It’s also estimated that kids ages 8 to 18 spend over seven hours a day using some form of digital entertainment. This translates to our youth being far less active and far less inclined to spend time outdoors. While this may not seem overly alarming to some, children could be missing out on important life lessons and emotional connections that one can only experience through nature. Here are a couple reasons why getting your kids outside should be a priority.

  1. It makes kids happier. Studies have shown that kids who play outside are far less likely to be as stressed as other children who spend their time indoors. When kids get outside, they lose track of time. The endless supply of things and places to explore helps to cultivate natural curiosity.
  2. It makes them healthier. The rise in childhood obesity in this country should have parents concerned. Logging countless hours of video games or sitting in front of the computer or TV screen won’t help. Taking kids outdoors is not only a terrific way for them to get exercise, it’s a natural immunity booster as well. Subjecting children to different types of pollens, allergens, and bacteria can help bolster their immune system to keep them less susceptible in the future.
  3. It allows them to utilize their senses. Smell, taste, and touch have gone to the wayside of sight and sound in the digital age. Getting kids outside can open up those senses that may not be as sharp due to their lack of use.

The best thing about the outdoors? It’s free! So get out there with the munchkins and start exploring; it may have lasting benefits for their future.

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